About My Blog

My blog is about history, popular culture, politics and current events from a democratic socialist and Irish republican perspective. The two main topics are Northern Ireland on one hand and fighting anti-Semitism, racism and homophobia on the other. The third topic is supporting the Palestinians, and there are several minor topics. The three main topics overlap quite a bit. I have to admit that it’s not going to help me get a graduate degree, especially because it’s almost always written very casually. But there are some high-quality essays, some posts that come close to being high-quality essays, political reviews of Sci-Fi TV episodes (Star Trek and Babylon 5), and a unique kind of political, progressive poetry you won't find anywhere else. (there are also reviews of episodes of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and reviews of Roseanne)

(The "Table of Contents" offers brief descriptions of all but the most recent posts)

(If you're really cool and link to my blog from your site/blog, let me know) (if you contact me, use the word "blog" in the subject line so I'll know it's not spam)

YOU NEED TO READ THE POST "Trump, Netanyahu, and COVID-19 (Coronavirus)" here. It is a contrast of the two on COVID-19 and might be helpful in attacking Trump. And see the middle third of this about Trump being a for-real fascist.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 
Bernadette Devlin-McAliskey: A brief description of the amazing republican-socialist woman my blog was initially named after. 
Anti-Racism and Republicans: Mostly a list of actions taken by Sinn Fein members to oppose white supremacy in Ireland.
American Democracy: A list of ways to make America more democratic politically, especially a reform of the US Senate.
Slaytanic Wehrmacht: I answer the question- is Slayer racist or anti-Semitic and explain that even though they aren't, they have done damage by unintentionally encouraging bigots.
SMASH COMBAT 18: A video about how the IRA would take down the armed Nazi group Combat 18.
Invisible Comrades: Mostly a list of facts about gay rights in N. Ireland, largely aimed at proving that SF is perhaps the best of all Irish political parties when it comes to that issue in Ireland but not in America where in the 1990s they could have been better.
I Still Hate Sarah Palin: A brief note about the fact that when she was mayor of Wasilla, the police there charged SOMEONE (survivors or their insurance companies) for doing rape-kits.
The Black and the Green: I highlight, from a book on the subject and from my own experiences, the involvement of American people of color in the Anglo-Irish conflict. I also argue that SF needs to focus less on Irish-Americans.
The Spirit of Robert Briscoe: A list of facts about Ireland and Jewish people.
Fuck Fascism Before it Fucks You: An essay about WWII and Ireland- why Ireland should have joined the Allies and why Republicans should admit that the IRA was wrong to accept aid from Nazi Germany.
I Owe My Allegiance only to the Working-Class: My thoughts about the Irish Republican Socialist Party. 
Fun With Nazi Lyrics: The first post of poems that I did. It explains how I "write" the poems and contains four. Topics include US politics, Irish politics, and global resistance to oppression.
More New Songs: 7 More poems. Includes the following topics: anti-fascism, anti-homophobia (and republicanism), Northern Ireland and Nazi skinheads.
Catholic, Protestant, and Dissenter: Many components of the argument in favor of uniting Ireland, including the fact that neither the South nor the republican movement contain a significant number of anti-Protestant bigots.
Stoop Down Low Party: A list of facts that add up to meaning that the SDLP of Northern Ireland doesn't belong in the Socialist International. 
Even More Lyrics: 7 more new poems. Topics include:Northern Ireland.
Lyrics!: 4 new poems (all based on non-offensive lyrics). Topics include WWII, American politics, and Northern Ireland. 
The Brown and the Green: An essay in response to an Irish academic paper alleging similarities between SF and fascists.
 Joint Sovereignty Assembly: A sort of essay proposing one way to comprehensively resolve the N. Ireland conflict. 
Cool Image and Two More Songs: A cool image I found and poems on American politics and Nazi skinheads. 
The Stars and Bars: An essay that argues progressives shouldn't collaborate with anti-globalization and anti-goverment forces who are much more on the right than on the left.
Nuclear Assault Your Daughter and Your Sons: A poorly organized post about some of the music I listen to, and two poems- one on unity within the center-left in America and one about male feminists.
In the Spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: An essay about non-violence and mass struggle in N. Ireland, focusing on the civil rights movement, those supporting republican prisoners of war around 1980, the SDLP and the civil rights movement, and the Peace People.
Sell-Outs?!?!?! Sinn Fein, the Good Friday Agreement, and the World: An essay covering the following topics: How the GFA is a good deal for Catholics; how Apartheid South Africa was only a little worse for people of color then N. Ireland was for Catholics; How and why the American Left did very little work on N. Ireland and why they SHOULD HAVE done more.
Belfast Republican: One poem that's very good and is about the IRA.
The Brown and the Green Part II: A brief note about my poems and racist Irish-Americans.
Loyalist Riots, Poverty, and Irish Labor in N. Ireland: An essay that is probably the highest quality thing on this blog. It's about the socio-economic problems facing the unionist working-class, as well as an upsurge of anti-Catholic activity, in 2005 when I wrote it.
Obama, Wall Street, Auto Workers, and the Far-Right: A brief note about a Eugene Robinson column.
No Human Being is Illegal: A brief note about immigration.
Five More Songs- MLK, Rosemary Nelson, etc.: Five more poems. Topics include organized labor, Martin Luther King Jr., Nazi Germany, human rights activists, IRA.
Volunteer: 2 poems about the IRA.
Ireland's Red Army: A poem about the Irish National Liberation Army.
African-Americans, Labor, Israel/Palestine, and the North: Links to an article about the North from a Black perspective and a blogpost about organized labor, Israel/Palestine, and the North. And a little commentary from me.
The Final War Songs: 5 new poems. Topics include global politics, Northern Ireland, and James Connolly.
Responding to the Homophobes: A brief note about homophobia.
Israel and anti-Semitism: A response to the belief that Jewish people control American foreign policy.
The Reagan/Nixon Brigade: A brief note about a senior member of the GOP who was close to a prominent fascist activist.
Son of Ireland: Two poems including one great one about Bobby Sands.
Battles: Of the Bogside and of Hayes Pond: 4 more poems. Topics include: The IRA, the Battle of the Bogside (N. Ireland) and the Battle of Hayes Pond (anti-KKK).
In the Spirit of Malcolm X: A fairly comprehensive argument in favor of SF shifting it's approach to America to the left.
Anti-Muslim Bigotry: Why calling America a christian country is a wrong.
More on Israel and Anti-Semitism: Some misc. notes on the subject.
Patsy O'Hara: A version of the 1981 hunger-strike poem Son of Ireland, but this time about the INLA's Patsy O'Hara.
Victory or Valhalla: Two new poems- one about D-Day (WWII) and one about people in the South of Ireland supporting IRA and INLA prisoners.
Red Alert Chief O'Brien: An overview of my thoughts about Star Trek.
Skinhead!!! SHARP!!!: 9 new poems, all about anti-racist skinheads.
Lyrics!! Lyrics!! Lyrics!!: 6 new poems. Topics include: 1981 Hunger-Strike, the IRA, Nazi skinheads, WWII, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Some New Lyrics: 6 new poems. Topics include: Northern Ireland politics, and anti-racist skinheads.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews A: Topics include post-independnce issues of newly freed people.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews B:  Mostly just brief discussions of sexism and hunting.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews C:  Some material about capitalism.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews D: The main topic is eminent domain.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews E: Main topics include post-colonial situation, truth and reconciliation, allies of the Nationalist community, and segregated education.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews F: I'm tempted to say the topic is "Bajoran Politics," but that's kind of silly. I suppose the main topic is inter-religious/racial marriage. There is also some talk about right-wing coups and Starfleet's Prime Directive.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews G: Brief mentions of something that I think could be called racism, plus homophobia, disabilities, and "terrorism."
The Oppressed of the UK (Lyrics!): Three poems based on non-offensive material. Northern Ireland is the topic.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews H: The main topics are immigrants and refugees. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews I: One topic is a society without modern technology, and the other topic is the need to get rid of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews J: Topics include: pro-democracy movements, Irish republicans and the Republic of Ireland, civil liberties, and some ideas about reducing the size of the US military.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews K: Some comments but almost nothing political except a comparison of humanity and the ferengi.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews L: Only topic is pro-democracy movements. 
Oh no, Here Comes a Green Tory: Four new poems. Topics are: Northern Ireland, American politics, Irish politics, and the 1981 Hunger-Strike. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews M: Topics include: Allies of the oppressed, "terrorism," and poverty.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews N: Topics include: Religion, and the Dublin state and N. Ireland.  
Revolutionary Dreams: Six new poems. Topics include: Bobby Sands, American politics, N. Ireland, the failure of the American left to do work on N. Ireland, during the years 1994-2001. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews O: Topics include: right-wing politics, and American Indians. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews P: Almost nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews Q: Almost nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews R: The only topic is preserving democracy during war-time. 
Debunking the Birthers: A brief note on something that might help progressives.
Six New Songs: Topics include: WWII, anti-racist skinheads, Northern Ireland politics, and one poem that is partly speculating about what Ireland will look like after partition. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews S: The main topic is labor unions.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews T: Some small comments on crime and punishment and also on torture.
Fetch That Armalite (Lyrics): topics are: N. Ireland and the IRA.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews U: Almost nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews V: Almost nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews W: Almost nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Four New Songs: Topics include: Anti-racist skinheads, the global working-class, and Northern Ireland.  
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews X: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews Y: Almost nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews Z: Topics: Arms dealers and conflicts around the globe. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews AA: Almost nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews BB: Nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews CC: A little about multi-culturalism.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews DD: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews EE: Almost nothing political or non-political.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews FF: Some brief notes including one about national security and democracy.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews GG: Almost nothing at all.
Even More on Israel and anti-Semitism: Part of a brief debate between me and an anti-Semite about Israel, the Palestinians and anti-Semitism.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews HH: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews II: War is briefly mentioned. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews JJ: Almost nothing.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews KK: Racism is the only topic.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews LL: Pro-democratic rebellion. 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reviews MM: Almost all the episode reviews in this one touch on pro-democratic rebellion. 
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews A: Almost nothing political or non-political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews B: Nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews C: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews D: Bi-Racial identity and Weapons of Mass Destruction. 
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews E: Nothing at all. 
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews F: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews G: Almost nothing political or non-political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews H: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews I: Nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews J: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews K: Almost nothing political or non-political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews L: The main topic is genocide. 
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews M: Nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews N: A brief note about racial conflict and socialism.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews O: Almost nothing at all.
My Last Songs?: Three more poems with the following topics: republican resistance, the NI Civil Rights Movement and also the IRA and the partition of Ireland in the early 1920s.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews P: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews Q: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews R: Nothing political and not a ton of NON-political comments by me either.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews S: Rape is briefly a topic. 
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews T: Truth and reconciliation is a topic.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews U: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews V: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews W: Almost nothing at all.
A Brief  Intro to N. Ireland: One of the best essays on this blog, it looks a bit at the creation of N. Ireland, and describes how it was an anti-Catholic state, and how the late 1960s civil rights movement was over-taken by the IRA.
From Belfast to Bethlehem: Ireland-Palestine Solidarity: A brief article I wrote that was published in an American newspaper supporting the Palestinians.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews X: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews Y: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews Z: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews AA: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews BB: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews CC: Almost nothing at all.

Star Trek: Voyager Reviews DD: The Vietnam War is a topic.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews EE: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews FF: Torture is a topic.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews GG: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews HH: Health care is a topic.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews II: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews JJ: The criminal justice system is a topic.
Star Trek: Voyager Reviews KK: Nuclear power is a topic.  
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews A: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews B: One Topic is the death penalty.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews C: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews D: Arms Dealers are a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews E: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews F: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews G: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews H: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews I: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews J: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews K: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews L: Religion is a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews M: Almost nothing.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews N: "Terrorism" is a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews O: Anti-homophobia is an issue.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews P: My thoughts on anarchism.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews Q: Nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews R: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews S: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews T: War is a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews U: Nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews V: Nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews W: Almost nothing political at all
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews X: The main topic is imperialism and the role of third-party nations or planets in stopping that imperialism.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews Y: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews Z: Almost nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews AA: Nothing at all.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews BB: "The Outcast" is possibly the best hint that ST dropped that homophobia is wrong.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews CC: A fair amount of commentary but the only thing that stands out is the question, would wiping out the Borg be genocide?
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews DD: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews EE: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews FF: Torture is a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews GG: Democracy is a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews HH: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews II: Democracy is a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews JJ: European imperialism in this hemisphere is a topic.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Reviews KK: Almost nothing political.
Live Long and Prosper: A brief note about Star Trek.
Doctor Laura, Sarah Palin, and Racism: A brief note and some links.
Responding to Opponents of the "Ground Zero Mosque": A brief note.
Newt Gingrich, Anti-Colonialism, and Obama: A brief note.
Glenn Beck, American Unity, Capitalist Exploitation: Some comments on those topics.
Religious Bigotry of the "New Atheists": Comments on that topic.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews A: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews B: Misc. political notes.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews C: Poverty is a topic.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews D: Mass internment is a topic.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews E: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews F: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews G: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews H: HIV and AIDS are topics.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews I: Dissent in favor of judicial reform etc. is one issue and racism is another.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews J: Slavery and 9/11 are topics.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews K: Torture is a topic.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews L: 9/11 is kind of a topic.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews M: Topics include religion and racism.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews N: Not much political.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews O: The US military and 9/11 are topics.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews P: 9/11 is a topic.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews Q: WWII, racism, and what might be called "military ethics" are topics.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews R: Topics include slavery and religion, and others.
Irish-Americans, N. Ireland, and YDS: I clarify some of my thoughts about why the American Left (or specifically, when I was a member in 2001, the Young Democratic Socialists) should take N. Ireland seriously.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews S: Five miscellaneous political issues.
Star Trek: Enterprise Reviews T: Several miscellaneous political issues.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews A: Sexism is a topic.
Peter King, Muslims, Torture, and N. Ireland: I explain that when it comes to Al-Qaeda and the IRA, Rep. King doesn't have a bigoted double standard, but he does when it comes to torture.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews B: Criminal Justice and sexism/feminism are topics.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews C: Several miscellaneous political issues.
RIP Manning Marable: Some brief notes about the socialist scholar who influenced my understanding of politics.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews D: War is a topic.
Welcome to Ireland: More Republican Poems: Two poems about The Troubles, sort of focusing on the IRA.
Policing in N. Ireland and Catholic Recruits: I focus a bit on one way to measure reform of the police- what % of them are Catholic, plus a letter to the editor I wrote that was published in the Irish News in 2002.
Anti-Sectarian: A poem about tearing down sectarian divisions in N. Ireland, and some notes about what I've done more or less on that subject.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews E: Different kinds of imperialism and responses to imperialism are topics.
Anti-Fascist Republicanism: Four New Poems: WWII and Ireland, the Irish War of Independence, republican-socialists, and anti-fascist skinheads are topics.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews F: Sexism is a topic.
Release Marian Price: Sinn Fein calls for leading dissident republican to be release from jail.
Irish Republican Army- Now in Poem Form!: Four poems all more or less about the IRA.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews G: Sexism and people who are bi- or multi-racial are topics.
Three More Poems: N. Ireland and fighting the Klan are topics.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews H: Almost nothing political.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews I: War and peace are topics.
The Orange Order- Those Sectarian Bastards: A brief note about how the OO seems to be becoming less anti-Catholic.
Star Trek: The Original Series Review J: Topics are Nazi Germany, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and European settlement of this hemisphere.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews K: Topics include technology and the workplace/economy, and technology and the military.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews L: American Indians are a topic.
Taxes, the GOP, Texas, and Capitalism: A link to a Harold Meyerson column about the GOP raising taxes on the middle- and working-classes, and a column by Paul Krugman about how the economic model of Texas is largely a bad one.
The Anti-Apartheid Struggle and Republicans: Links to several articles that prove the ANC were more or less supporters of the IRA.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews M: 3rd Party involvement in conflict resolution is a topic.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews N: Corruption is a topic.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews O: The main political issue is oppression- oppression similar to what Blacks experienced from slavery to Jim Crow.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews P: Sexism is a topic.
Israeli Apartheid and Palestinian Civil Disobedience: Using my own words and a lot of links to relevant articles (mostly from the BBC) I argue that Apartheid is an appropriate word for how the Palestinians and Arab-Israelis have been treated by the Israeli government and much of the Jewish population.
Racism: A brief note with some links about anti-immigrant racism.
Star Trek: The Original Series Reviews Q: Sexism and flawed freedom fighters are topics.
Eyes on the Prize: Three More Poems: Rioting in N. Ireland, and a vision of the eve of Irish Unity are topics.
Nazis Were and Are on the Right: Some facts backing that up.
The KKK are Fools: Three More Poems: The IRA, the KKK and N. Ireland in general are topics.
Rand Paul's Hypocrisy: A few comments and a link to a Washington Post editorial about the constitutional status Washington DC.
Two New Poems: "Neutral No More" and "Brits out II": N. Ireland and deserters from the Irish military who joined the British during WWII.
Pat Finucane and British Collusion with Loyalists: A link to a damning BBC News article and an equally damning statement by the PFC.
Two New Poems: "Hundred Million Died" and "Smash the Klan": The genocide experienced by Native Americans and the American people vs. the Klan.
"IRA Terrorists:" I, step by step, explain why the IRA was overwhelmingly not a terrorist organization.
Sinn Fein, Irish-Americans, and people of color in America: I call on SF to reach out to people of color more and speak of Irish-Americans less.
No Surrender!!: Two poems based on the same lyrics and about the same topic- the IRA.
Irish History, Today's World, and our Education System: A link to an article on another blog about St. Patrick's Day, genocide, etc.
British Fools: Three More Poems: Two anti-fascist poems based on the same lyrics, and one poem about British dissent over N. Ireland.
Black Lives Matter: Some notes about the police killing Black men.
"They'd be Killed if They Were Black": A link to an article about right-wing white extremists and racism in America.
3 New Poems: Irish Tet, We are all Republicans, and Six Million Died: N. Ireland and also the Holocaust.
"The Winner of Election 2016 is Social Democracy": Some notes about the 2016 general election in Ireland.
The Irish, Slavery, and Racism Today: Some notes and a link to an article about how people are exaggerating how bad Irish slaves were treated in the Caribbean in order to promote racism today.
Gerry Adams and the N-Word: Perhaps the best post on my blog. I explain how although Adams was wrong to use the N-Word as if he were black, he's not exactly white either and there ARE a lot of similarities between the experiences of American Blacks and the experiences of N. Ireland Catholics.
My Two Favorite Things: I describe a book by an Irish republican of mixed race.
Westminster Constituencies: A map of how I would have redrawn their boundaries during the Boundary Commission's work about around 2003, and some notes about it.
Black Lives Matters is Not a Hate Group: A link to a Southern Poverty Law Center statement about that and a link to an article about solidarity with BLM in Ireland.
(Full) Equality Denied: Some notes about how there is still some degree of inequality for Catholics in N. Ireland.
Jewish Graves Destroyed in West Belfast: Some links to what may have been an anti-Semitic crime and a Sinn Fein statement in solidarity with Belfast's Jewish population.
Trump's Racism: Links to two articles about that.
Babylon 5 Reviews A: Topics include conflict resolution, American Indians, and religious diversity.
Babylon 5 Reviews B: It's partly about the arrest of a former leader of a planet guilty of crimes comparable to what Nazi Germany did. Other topics include religious acceptance, and organized labor.
New Poems: Saorsie is Irish for Freedom: Three poems with various thoughts about N. Ireland.
Babylon 5 Reviews C: Two topics are criminal justice and post-conflict reconciliation.
Tearing Down the Swastikas- A New Poem: Possibly my best poem ever. It's about WWII.
"The Party of Lincoln": Some thoughts on Trump's thinking about Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, and the Civil War.
Legalize Everyone!! Two New Poems: Topics are the Republican Movement (SF and the IRA) and immigrants and refugees.
Babylon 5 Reviews D: An aspect of the undemocratic way N. Ireland was established and the display of flags (i.e. in the US, flags of other nations) are topics.
Strategically Comprehensive: Mostly a description of what republicans did (1982-1997) to pressure the British, strengthen their movement, and help people.
Babylon 5 Reviews E: Topics include civil liberties, national independence, N. Ireland, aggression, reconciliation, and the military are topics.
Two New Poems: "Black and White Unite and Fight," and "Surf The Volga:" The labor movement, anti-racism, and WWII are the topics.
Babylon 5 Reviews F: Homophobia and McCarthyism are the two main topics.
Babylon 5 Reviews G: Topics include national oppression and McCarthyism.
Babylon 5 Reviews H: Topics include social darwinism and religion in politics.
Babylon 5 Reviews I: Topics include McCarthyism, the politics of a caste society, and militance which could be called "terrorism." 
Babylon 5 Reviews J: The main issue is about the need for the working-class (I imagine the writers might say, "represented by the labor movement" ?) to dominate the military and religious forces in government.
Babylon 5 Reviews K: The main issue here is the debate about armed struggle and mass struggle in N. Ireland.
Babylon 5 Reviews L: The two main issues are how enemy wounded should be treated in war and the need for respecting and honoring atheists instead of just other religions.
Babylon 5 Reviews M: The main issue here is genocide and the obligation of descendents of those who carried out or benefited from that genocide to expose it instead of covering it up.
Trump, Evangelicals, Israel, and anti-Semitism: An argument that Christian Zionists in the Republican Party, the vast majority of the pro-Israel community in America, are anti-Semitic.
Irish-American White Allies, Multiculturalism, Northern Ireland, and Struggles for Justice, Equality, and Freedom: A intermittently personal statement on those subjects. About how I identify, the anti-racist and anti-homophobic nature of my N. Ireland activism, and my record as a white ally.
Liberals, Progressives and Clintonites: I offer a non-philosophical definition of liberal and explain the differences between the three groups.
The General Election in Ireland, the Working-Class, and the Palestinians: A link to an article about working-class Sinn Fein politicians, a link to an article about SF, State power in Dublin, and the Palestinians, and some comments from me about the second topic.
Brexit, A Hard Border, And Irish Unity: I explain how Brexit might increase the odds of Ireland being united but unless the US and EU put massive pressure on the British, the situation will probably heat up in terms of armed conflict, and there's reason to think that the US won't put pressure on the British.
Sanders/Warren 2020: A now irrelevant post about my belief that it would be a great ticket for wining the Presidency.
Hail The Jew Dawn and Ian Stuartstein: Best to just read the first 1/3. The rest is for people who followed a link I posted on several relevant YouTube pages.
Fox News Rejected An Anti-Nazi Ad: Brief post, just read it.
Image for the Black and The Green: An image I created to represent what my blog is about.
Sectarian Murder and Class in N. Ireland: About how and why working-class Catholics are more likely to be killed by Loyalists or the security forces than middle-class Catholics are.
Sinn Fein and Anti-Semitism: Analyzing PAST tweets by a senior SF politician, tweets that have been labeled anti-Semitic.
Anti-Zionism Is No More Anti-Semitic Than Irish Republicanism Is Anti-Protestant: Partly via frequent references to the Irish, I comprehensively and successfully (intellectually) take down Zionism and argue in favor of a one-state solution.
Am I An Anti-Semite?: This is a very rare post where the agenda is more personal than political. I discuss the topic, and answer the question.
Are Jewish-Americans Oppressed As Jewish-Americans?: I say that although there is anti-Semitism in this country, overall it doesn't rise to the level where they are oppressed as Jewish-Americans. I accomplish this partly by saying that although in some ways Catholics in America have more to complain about, they aren't oppressed as Catholics either.
"Anti-Imperialist Unity," A New Poem: A poem about 1970s republican-socialist leader Seamus Costello.
"The Connolly/Larkin Brigade:" A New Poem: A very creative or slightly bizarre poem. It's based on a song about the anti-Fascist foreign volunteers who fought in Spain's Civil War. My poem is an alternative history about fictional events in the 1980s when something similar happened in The Troubles.
In Memory of FDR: Three New Poems: Three poems about WWII.
Why and How I Organized A Very Successful Anti-War Rally in March 2003: A more personal than political essay.
Most Oppressed People on Earth: A comparison of what the British and Unionists did to N. Ireland Catholics during the Troubles and what was done to European Jews (and specifically German Jews) during the Nazi Germany era.
Taking Down Columbus: Three New Poems: One poem is about Columbus Day parades, one is about N. Ireland, and one is about anti-racist skinheads.
1847: Three New Poems: One is about the Irish "Famine," one is about American politics, and one is about WWII.
Trump, Netanyahu, and COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Based partly on articles in Politico and The Times of Israel and some original thoughts by me, it contrasts the responses to COVID-19 by two "tough guy," right-wing, capitalist, racist motherfuckers as a way to attack Trump.
Evangelicals, Anti-Christian Persecution, and N. Ireland: I explain how American Evangelicals concerned about religious persecution of Christians are selective about it.
When Can We Return To Normal? (COVID-19 (Coronavirus)): Some thoughts about COVID-19.
Irish Unity: Three New Poems: One about Jewish-American soldiers fighting Nazi Germany. One about N. Ireland and the American South, and one about anti-racist skinheads.
Affirmative Action and the Working-Class: A socialist, anti-racist and feminist defense of AA and some thoughts on how to eradicate racism in this country.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Thoughts
Jewish Skinhead Army: A New Poem: A poem about anti-racist skinheads who are Jewish-American.
Masks and Social Distancing and Test, Test, Test for a Long Time
A Response to Lawyers of Rape Defendants: Also, separately, my thoughts about the Reade/Biden allegations.
What Trump Was Told and When he Was Told It (COVID-19 (Coronavirus)): Links to two articles about what Trump knew about the developing pandemic in January and February.
Fuck George W. Bush: Three New Poems: Poems about defeating the KKK, the birth of the Provisional IRA in N. Ireland, and the Iraq War.
Some Thoughts About The Republican Party, COVID-19 and Democracy: An argument in favor of early voting and in the COVID-19 context, an argument that greatly expanded early voting is a solution to the problem of the 2020 election.
Trump Doesn't Understand The Need For Widespread Testing: Some miscellaneous thoughts about Trump.
Motherfuckin' Detective Odafin "Fin" Tutuola (My Thoughts on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit): Some general thoughts about the show.
My Thoughts On The 1988-1997 TV Show Roseanne: Some general thoughts about the sit-com about a liberal-progressive working-class family.
Covid-19, Blaming China, and Churches: Two More Thoughts
Three New Poems: Topics include IRA hunger-striker Bobby Sands, the Iraq War, and Japanese-American Internment.
The Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process is Over: A very brief post with some important links.
A Letter to Bernie Sanders About Mental Health Care and Stigma
Roseanne Reviews A: topics include: The working-class and poverty.
In Memory of JFK: Several topics about political things about Catholics, but only sort of about N. Ireland.
The Black Lives Matters Protests and the Trump Administration: Some thoughts.
Roseanne Reviews B: Topics include: labor.
Roseanne Reviews C: Topics include: Racism and sitcoms, health care, and deaths in the workplace.
Don't Vote GOP: Three New Poems: Topics include: the Klan, the Irish Citizen Army, and N. Ireland's Social Democratic and Labour Party.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Reviews A: Topics include: the police, immigration, homelessness, and marijuana legalization.
Roseanne Reviews D: Topics include: labor.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Reviews B: Nothing significant.
The Stars and Bars II: Some thoughts, including some relatively unique ones, about the confederacy (the relatively unique ones are about the idea that the North was oppressing the South).
Roseanne Reviews E: Very little original content. 
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Reviews C: topics include: abortion.
Roseanne Reviews F: Very little original content.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Reviews D: Topics include Anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bigotry in connection with the Israeli-Palestinian  conflict. Another topic is the Bosnian War.
Roseanne Reviews G: Almsot nothing.
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Reviews E: The main topics are abortion, sexism and Catholics in the Republic of Ireland.
Roseanne Reviews H: Abortion is a topic.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews F: Homophobia, health care and mental health care are topics.
Roseanne Reviews I: Almost nothing.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews G: Racism and slavery are topics.
Roseanne Reviews J: Almost nothing. 
Law and Order: SVU Reviews H: Racism, homophobia, and miscarriages of justice are topics.
Roseanne Reviews K: Homophobia is a topic.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews I: Racism, homophobia, and civil rights are topics.
Roseanne Reviews L: Homophobia is a topic.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews J: Joe Biden, women in the military, and how I became a good ally of transgender people. 
Roseanne Reviews M: Columbus is a topic.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews K: Immigration is a topic, as is a discussion of homophobia and religion.
Proud Boys and Nazi Skinheads: Partly about how the former are closely related politically to the latter.
The Electoral College and the Election of the President: An argument of reforming instead of abolishing the Electoral College.
Trump, Masks, and Conspiracy Theories: Trump's promotion of the QAnon conspiracy theory and his effort to undermine the message that people should wear masks.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews L: Homophobia and immigration are topics.
An Example of Irish-American Anti-Racsim: I highlight and comment on an anti-racist statement by a national Irish nationalist/republican organization.
Trump's Loss and COVID-19: Masks, Covid-19, and Biden's victory.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews M: Abortion is discussed a lot, and there's some stuff about racism and homophobia.
Two New Poems: "Mass Incarceration" and "Iraq": One is about the criminal justice system and one is about the Occupation of Iraq.
Roseanne Reviews N: Vegetarianism is a topic.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews N: Immigration is a topic.
Roseanne Reviews O: Homophobia is an issue.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews O: Afghanistan and education are topics.
The US, Afghanistan, and the War on Terror: Some thoughts on why the US hasn't won the War on Terror and US moves to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Bi-Partisanship and Respect in American Politics: I believe that Biden's efforts at being a uniter shouldn't involve pushing moderate legislation.
Roseanne Reviews P: Small business compared to corporations, moderate politicians, and unions are topics.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews P: Sarah Palin and the rape kits controversy is a topic as is racism in the NYPD.
Donald Trump and the 1/6 Capitol Riot: A brief note arguing that he should be punished for it.
Roseanne Reviews Q: Walmart is a topic.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews Q: Asian-Americans are a topic.
Roseanne Reviews R: A chink in the anti-homophobic armor of the show, and a two-parter about domestic violence.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews R: The two biggest topics are the Catholic Church in America, and the legalization/de-decriminalization of drugs.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews S: This about corrupt cops, Tibet and transphobia.
Movie Reviews A: Topics are Ruth Bader Ginsburg, High School teachers assaulting female students, and Black women that were crucial to the Space Program in the years before desegregation.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews T: Topics include police corruption, corruption in the military, homophobia, and immigrants and sex-trafficking.
Movie Reviews B: Topics include post-War Japan and the Allies, a Klan leader's journey to opposing racism, and basically the same story about Apartheid South Africa.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews U: Topics include immigrants, crime and criminal justice; abortion and pro-life strategy; and the Catholic Church and homosexuality.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews V: Topics include racism in the criminal justice system, and environmental issues, including environmental racism and police brutality.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews W: Topics include racism in the police, immigration, the IRA, and Muslim women.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews X: Topics include private prisons, privatization of national security, anti-Muslim bigotry, and torture.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews Y: Topics include anti-Muslim bigotry, homophobia, and the homeless.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews Z: Topics include: rape in the US Military, transphobia, and vaccines.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews AA: Topics include child porn, judicial corruption and more.
Movie Reviews C: Topics include the Montgomery Bus Boycott, "Gay Conversion Therapy," and internment of Japanese and Japanese-Americans during WWII.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews BB: There is a lot about immigration, and a fair amount about rape and Immigration.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews CC: There's a lot of pro-immigrant stuff.
Movie Reviews D: Almost nothing political.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews DD: Most of the comments are related to 9/11.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews EE: Homophobia and racism are topics.
Some Thoughts About New Atheists: An essay about how the New Atheists are offensive in multiple ways, inspired by an insider's thoughts about how right-wing they have become.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews FF: Topics include campaign financing for elections, racial profiling, and SVU helping Internal Affairs take down a corrupt precinct (a geographic division of the NYPD that probably involves something like 100-300 officers).
Trump, Biden and COVID-19: Comparing the two leaders on Covid-19.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews GG: Topics include the Coast Guard, private prisons, and immigration.
Comprehensive Post on Unions and Racism in the White Working-Class: Unlike a few other posts that contain what I have said about this topic (that unions help stop the spread of racism among white workers) this one contains everything I have to say about the subject.
Letter-to-the-Editor on Early Voting: About how democracy requires early voting.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews HH: The main topic is homosexuality and sex.
Mutually Assured Destruction: My Review of Davd Mace's "Fire Lance:" I describe the plot, characters and politics of an old sci-fi novel about nuclear war between the US and the USSR which results in humanity's death. There's also some scientific information about nuclear winter and humanity's end.
My Position on Ukraine: I explain why I support Ukraine and my theory that RUSSIA might be the one with a Nazi problem.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews II: As well as some other issues, this one contains a lot about cops who are corrupt when it comes to sex crimes, and SVU takes them down.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews JJ: The two main topics are corrupt criminal justice officials and a LOT of anti-racist stuff.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews KK: Again a LOT of stuff that's anti-racist and some anti-homophobic stuff, including an inter-racial lesbian couple.
Law and Order: SVU Reviews LL: Topics include Jewish-Black tension in NYC, and police corruption.
Roseanne Reviews S: Almost nothing political.
Law and Order Reviews A: Topics include AIDS, some good anti-racist stuff, and some complicated anti-racist stuff.
Law and Order Reviews B: Civilian and cop lives matter. People of color and employment. A small essay about American cops and N. Ireland.
Letter-to-the-Editor on Trump and the Confederacy: Some important facts about how Trump is basically a neo-Confederate. 
Law and Order Reviews C: Topics include: Wealth and corruption, police corruption and homophobia.
Roseanne Reviews T: A homophobic "own-goal" on the show.
Law and Order Reviews D: Immigration and pro-war GOPers who avoided fighting in Vietnam.
Law and Order Reviews E: Topics include slumlords, scapegoating Black teens, and the class conflict.
Law and Order Reviews F: Topics include: Corporate crime and sweatshops, drug legalization, and the military.
People of Color and Racism: I admit that I used to occasionally think/speak/write about racism in a way that was flawed (and which probably looked worse than that from the perspective of most people of color and most white allies), but if you consider everything that I write in this post, this mistake shouldn't be held against me.
Law and Order Reviews G: Homophobia in the police, middle-class violence towards homeless people, racism, and wealth and power.
Fuck Hamas: My first response to the attack on Oct. 7th and the retaliation since Oct. 8th.
More on the Hamas Offensive: My second response to the Oct. 7th attack.
Law and Order Reviews H: Topics include: Police corruption,anti-Japanese-American racism, and the 1960s.
Britts Out! (Katie Britt, Immigration and Sex-Trafficking): I take apart Britt's response to Biden's State of the Union speech.
We Need MORE Criticism of Hamas, Not Less: I analyze the ideas that Hamas can't be criticized for Oct. 7 because it's an asymmetrical conflict and Hamas doesn't have the power to wage peace.
My Review of Larry Bond's 1991 Anti-Apartheid Novel "Vortex": Cuba vs. South Africa and the anti-Apartheid fight.
Two Brief Essays About the Artificial Electoral Equality Between the Small States and the Big States in America: We need to remember that democracy is one person one vote, not one state flag one vote.

***UNDER CONSTRUCTION MAY/JUNE 2024 (I need to add around 50 published posts to this list)***

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